Dear patients,

welcome to our practice for general medicine.
We are a team of four doctors with specialisation in Internal Medicine and General Medicine.
Our team members speak english, french, spanish and russian.

We operate in two different locations:


Franz-Kruckenberg-Str. 2
69126 Heidelberg-Rohrbach
Tel. 06221 – 39 32 32
Fax 06221 – 37 55 71

Monday – Friday                          8.30h – 12.00h
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday   15.00h – 18.00h


Schwetzinger Terrasse 1
69115 Heidelberg-Bahnstadt
Tel. 06221 – 618 36 24
Fax 06221 – 37 55 71

Monday – Friday            8.00h – 12.00h
Monday, Tuesday         12.30h – 15.00h
Wednesday                    15.00h – 18.00h

To avoid long waiting times, please call to make an appointment. Online-booking is available for video-calls (only for patients, that have registered in our practice in person), please follow the instructions unter “Termine” or “Kontakt”.
For patients who are too unwell to visite our practice we also offer home visits.

Outside our business hours you can reach us in urgent cases on emergency phone 06221-18 79 058, please no calls for appointments !
Otherwise, you will find the medical emergency service („Ärztlicher Bereitschaftsdienst“) in
Medizinische Klinik der Universität Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 410
69115 Heidelberg
Tel. 116 117.